All My Other Stuff

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Us Do Part.

In 4th grade, I was in the checkout line at Kroger with my mom and I spotted a BRIDES magazine on the shelf by the counter.  I picked it up and started scanning through every page and my mom asked me if I wanted to buy it!  I was so excited!  The entire car ride home, I studied every ruffle, frill, and lace pattern!  I loved the colors of the Bridesmaids dresses and dreamed about what color I would choose if I were a Bride and who I would want to be my bridesmaids!  I loved dreaming about weddings!  This continued through my teenage years!  I collected so many Brides magazines that they began to take up too much space in my room.  My mom suggested that I cut out my favorite things from each magazine and put them in a folder!  When my friends would come over to spend the night, I would pull out my Wedding Binder and we would study it and dream of our weddings someday.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Fools Rush In

In 6th grade, (1993)  I was sitting at my kitchen table rolling my hair with Caruso HairSetters when my little brother knocked over the steamer and the water poured all over my bare arm.

As you can imagine- I reacted!

I ran to the kitchen sink and turned the cold water on and stuck my arm under it as fast I could.

When we feel pain-we react fast to do what we can to make that pain go away.

I have been thinking about this a lot lately.. we are wired reactors.  We are made to react.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Welcome Home

I have been watching Billy Graham’s funeral here and there as I do laundry and do work... I was able to catch the part of the funeral when his children spoke about him.

Admittedly, I have heard stories about his daughter Ruth that didn’t always hold her in a good light...I had heard she was kind of the “black sheep”  of the family...

Monday, November 13, 2017

Worth It

There is a moment inside of all of our lives ....usually in our childhood that we decide what it is-or isn't that makes us worthy.

I think I made that discovery around 1989 when I was 8.5 years old...

You see, this was the year that I started to realize that I was not "smart."

I didn't make good fact, I made TERRIBLE grades.  I hated school!  It was boring!

I would sit at my desk and draw or practice writing my name in cursive.  I would day dream about anything that would come into my head... and I fell behind.

I remember being in the remedial reading class...and doing the "walk of shame" every day out of the classroom and into a class where I would look around and measure my own worth by the kids in my group.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


I can't sew. 
....not even a button.  

I have thrown perfectly adorable shirts away because it lost a button.

I can't repair it-so I toss it.  It is no use to me any more.