All My Other Stuff

Monday, November 13, 2017

Worth It

There is a moment inside of all of our lives ....usually in our childhood that we decide what it is-or isn't that makes us worthy.

I think I made that discovery around 1989 when I was 8.5 years old...

You see, this was the year that I started to realize that I was not "smart."

I didn't make good fact, I made TERRIBLE grades.  I hated school!  It was boring!

I would sit at my desk and draw or practice writing my name in cursive.  I would day dream about anything that would come into my head... and I fell behind.

I remember being in the remedial reading class...and doing the "walk of shame" every day out of the classroom and into a class where I would look around and measure my own worth by the kids in my group.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


I can't sew. 
....not even a button.  

I have thrown perfectly adorable shirts away because it lost a button.

I can't repair it-so I toss it.  It is no use to me any more.