All My Other Stuff

Monday, April 29, 2013

Summertime Memories

I have a love-hate relationship with summer.  I love flip flops, ice cream, swimming, the smell of freshly cut grass, suntan lotion, lemonade, and cookouts. I hate mosquito bites, humidity, sweating, sunburns, and the pressure I feel to find my kids something to do everyday to keep them out of my hair until it is time to go back to school. I see all the pins on Pinterest suggesting "101 Things To Do This Summer With Your Kids," and while I pin them to my "Perfect Mom" board, the likelihood of my actually opening the link and reading the article is slim-very slim.  (My "Mother of the Year" crown is on back order.)

I don't know about you, but I put a lot of pressure on myself to make these "Hallmark Moment" family vacations for our kids and in reality, no matter how hard I plan, those vacations never turn out like I had pictured it in my mind. 

The truth is that when I reflect on the those summer memories of my own childhood, it is the simple things that were often unplanned and completely part of the fabric of our everyday lives that stand out most to me.  I grew up living in the same town as a lot of my cousins and both sets of grandparents.  In the summer, it was not uncommon to find us all at my grandparents house.  My Mamaw and Papaw lived in the same house for over 50 years.  It was this tiny little buttery yellow house that set on the edge of the Morehead State University campus.  Although our family took lots of fun vacations, it was sitting under the big tree in my grandparents front yard with my Papaw Bill,  digging holes in the dirt with my Mamaw's kitchen spoons with my cousins that I remember the best!  We used to have dance parties (no music needed) in that front yard and when cars would pass we would all freeze in some "cool" pose.  Those are the things that didn't cost a penny, and  looking back, I wouldn't trade for any amount of money!

Moments like these are often hard to manufacture, but they mean so much!  In "Orange" terms, we call this CREATING A RHYTHM. One thing every kid really needs is memorable moments with their families and if we are all being honest, that costs us very little money and in the long run is something money can't by. As we enter this summer, I am challenged to slow down, and take time to enjoy simple moments with my kids, as I suspect it will be in those moments that we make the most memories.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


When I notice that my gas light is on, I instantly start to sweat.  Panic sets in.  I instantly start praying, "God, please just get me to the nearest gas station and I promise to NEVER let my car get this empty again."

We have all seen them.  Those who are less fortunate and do not make it to the nearest gas station and run out of gas on the side of the road.  They are walking down the road with their heads tucked between the tails in shame.

We sit in our cars watching their misfortune unfold and think, "How did you let it get that empty, buddy?  Stinks to be you."

This is true in our lives.  We "drive" around day in and day out not really paying attention to our "tank."

We push ourselves, overbook ourselves and do way more than one person ever should, praying that God just get us to the finish line of our deadlines and promise that we will never overbook ourselves again!

Before we know it, we are on EMPTY!
The things we used to love doing, now make us want to pour bleach into a flesh wound.  We find ourselves sitting in our bathrobes eating a gallon of chocolate ice cream singing "In the Arms of an Angel...." wondering how we had gotten this bad.

What is it about our nature that we over commit ourselves?  Why do we bite off more than we can chew time after time after time?

Something I learned a long time ago was TIME FORECASTING.  Making it a priority to schedule things 90 days, 60 days, and 30 days out.  Knowing how to stay on task and prioritizing our calendar in advance is a great way to start getting control of your life and allows us to continue doing what we love!

When we keep loading up on our day to day tasks, NOTHING gets done well or it's late for a deadline.

There are some things that ONLY  YOU can do, there are other things that YOU can ask for help on!  The key is knowing the difference.