All My Other Stuff

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The UN Bucket List

Lots of people have a bucket list.   You know, the list of things you want to do before you die...or before you turn a certain age?

I have decided it would be more entertaining to make a bucket list of things that you will NEVER do.

So I decided to start my list, and I challenge YOU to do this... it's actually not that easy.  You start second guessing yourself, thinking: "Maybe I will, actually, do a triathlon!?!?!"  #nope

Here goes:

1. Participate in a triathlon. I'm to lazy. That is all.
2. Read Moby Dick. Nope, I have terrible reading comprehension and not enough patience to listen to it on audiobook.
3. Eat sushi. No Thanks.
4. Personally own a truck.  I don't think they are girly-but they are super practical!  I'm just a girly girl.
5. Climb a mountain. Again, too lazy and just plain don't want to.
6. Own a boat.  I like boats.  I just don't know enough about them or care to.
7. Mountain Bike. I mean, I would ride a mountain bike out to my mailbox and back, but have no desire to take a bike off road.
8. Give Birth to another child. Done and Done.
9. Live on a farm. Nope, I have a general dislike for animals, and again, I am to lazy.
10. Plant a garden.  I am not disciplined enough.  #lazy
11. Scuba Dive.  I don't know why, but the thought of  seeing everything swimming around me freaks me out.  I like to see what I am swimming in. #pool
12. Star in a movie.  Let's be real, it ain't happening.
13. Play a recreational sport.  I am not competitive.  I feel bad for the team that loses, even if it's not MY team.
14. Enjoy cooking.  I don't like the clean up.  Actually, I hate the clean up.
15.  Solve for Y.  Nope, never could do it and never will. 

In summary,  I am lazy.

What about you?  What are some things you know that you will NEVER do?

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