All My Other Stuff

Thursday, September 25, 2014

SHIP Happens

There is a big difference in a Leader and a Manager.

There. I said it.

Neither are more important than another-each have a very important role!

Leader charts the course-they are at their best when  they are looking ahead and can see what is there.

Manager steers the ship-they are into the details, they are at their best when they are getting things done.

In leadership, it is so important to realize what you are good at and what you are not so good at.

John Maxwell says:

 "A leader is someone who surrounds themselves with people who are smarter than they are and gets out of their way!"

Just because a leader knows the direction the ship needs to go doesn't mean they know anything about steering a ship!

Leaders need to know when they are unequipped to do something and then find someone to help who is!

The truth is, EVEN if a leader could chart the coarse AND steer the ship, they couldn't do both at the same time.  Someone has to work ON the
route and someone needs to work IN it.

A good leader understands how to ride the waves of knowing when to get out of the way and when to throw someone a life preserver.

No micromanaging!

(Side note from my soap box:  if you are a leader and you HAVE to micromanage someone on your team, then you have either: A.  made the wrong hire.  Sorry- but it's true.  Hire HIGHLY CAPABLE people. Do not settle.  OR....B. you are a control freak and nobody likes to work with you. Truth hurts.)

Here are some questions that I believe a leader should ask their managers every single year.   (Thanks for asking...) #wink

(6 months out)  Brainstorm
-What is our  mission and how are pointing people to it?
-What is working well?
-What is working BUT could work better?
-What is not working and needs to "die" so that we can do the good stuff BETTER?
-How can I help?

BIG IDEA:  What is the ONE thing that we want people to take away from us this year?

(4 months out) Dream
-What do you wish we could do?
-What is keeping us from doing it?
-What do you wish you could ask  me about our organization?
-What do you wish I would ask you about the organization?
-What are you learning about yourself?  How are you liking your job?
-Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
-How can I help?

BIG IDEA:  How do you want your team to grow together and feel about being part of the team at the end of the year?

(2 months out) Goals-What systems/programs are returning next year and how will they work better?
-Who is on your team?
-How will you achieve your goal?
-How will YOU grow yourself?
-How will you connect with your team? How do you say "THANK YOU?"
-What is your budget and how do you plan to use it?
-Have you set dates for any events or programming for next year?
-How can I help?

BIG IDEA:  What is your strategy? How are you gonna pull off your goal?

Cast vision to the rest of the staff  and/or  board with what your ONE main goal and strategy is for the new year.  Negotiate dates and spaces for events that overlap on the calendar. Discuss as a staff how we can support each other as a united team.

Question:    I think leaders have to be good followers-kind of like the show "The Undercover Boss" where the boss sees what it is like to work for Him.  What kind of follower are you?  What is it like to work for you?

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