All My Other Stuff

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Different Shoes and Chipped Nail Polish

I have a friend that is a time champion.  She will post pictures on social media of her 14 books that she is reading, her journal, her perfect cup of coffee all strategically placed on her spotless coffee table in her spotless house.

I have a love/hate relationship with her.  She raises the bar for me, and since I am a lazy slob and just want to lay on the couch and watch every season of New Girl on  Netflix from start to finish, she is a source of inspiration and encouragement that you can have 3 kids and still do the things that are important to you.

But then you have a morning like this:

This story comes to you from sometime around 2007, I had only 2 children at the time and they were ages 3 and 1. 

I woke up that morning focused on ONE THING-cleaning toilets.  We were having company over that evening and I was kept awake most of the night thinking about all that I needed to do to get the house cleaned.   I threw on one of Adams HUGE t-shirts and some pants that lost its drawstring in one of my pregnancies, slipped on  my shoes and was out the door.

I walked my oldest into preschool and spoke to her teacher, smiling and passing all the moms who somehow managed to lose all their baby weight and wake up before God to make sure every hair is in place and throw on an entire outfit, which, from head to toe could be found on any Pinterest fashion board owned by women our age.
It wasn’t until I was leaving that I saw my own reflection in the front door and noticed I was wearing two different shoes.

I would love to have a structured routine in my life.  To those of you who DO have a daily routine it probably seems so simple, but for me, if it takes any kind of effort, I tend to avoid it!
That’s just my lazy nature.

I tend to admire  disciplined people from afar.  Those of you who get up at 5am and have your quiet time with God and then run a mile  while listening to your carefully selected worship  music playlist.  Not to mention, you have done it all before 7am.  .

While I want to be just like you when I grow up, I have to wonder, what it is that helps you relax?  It must be stressful to be you.  Always having every minute planned and accounted for, it’s like you are  mom machine!  Maybe you should be the one writing a blog?


What if we (I) stopped comparing ourselves to other moms and instead allowed ourselves to be inspired by them?  None of us have this mothering thing figured out-we are all just “wingin” it.  We have so much to learn from each other and we have alot to share with other moms from the things we have experienced.  This is not a competition.  

Wait.  Go grab a pen and write this down:

Motherhood is not a competition.  

How would your life change, if you and I  were willing to admit that you are not in competition with the moms you are busy comparing yourself to?

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” -Unknown

Currently Listening to:  WHEN THE CRAZY KICKS IN

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