All My Other Stuff

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Step by Step

Our youngest daughter is in 1st grade and has been working on "First, Then, Next, Last" in school.  We like to quiz each other about how to do things around the house just to see how well she has caught on to the concept!

What I have learned is that it is not my daughter who needs help with this concept-but it's actually me who has no idea what to do first, then, next, and last in the correct order.

I am not alone! I see this all the time in the lives of my friends.
Maybe that is why I feel so normal!?

While it is true, that we can't predict every thing that will happen to us-we can make sure we have a pretty decent plan in place to make sure we are at least moving in the right direction.

I have been counting the chickens before they hatch for years!  I blame it on my emotional decision making and capacity to day dream.

Our generation is known for expecting things to happen out of order.