I don’t know about any of you, but for me, there comes a breeze of bad news or heartache once every 5-10 years. Bad news or hard times usually paralyze me. When I am emotional, I freeze. I never know exactly what to do that would bring me out of the “funk” that I am in.
Now, that I am a seasoned veteran of these “Deer in the Headlight” moments, I would like to pass on a few words of wisdom that have “helped” me over the years…
1. There is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING that watching the movie “Hope Floats” over and over can not heal. To enhance this experience, I suggest a bath robe and a box of Kleenex-and maybe not shower for a few days.
2. Ice Cream. EAT IT! Gallons of it. And while you are at it…grab a couple hundred warm buttery dinner rolls. I have never known either to betray my trust, break my heart, or be anything BUT a good friend.
3. If you are dealing with an addiction or trying to grieve a relationship--I suggest being proactive and shift your addiction to something else…something like, pinterest. (google it and while you are at it come out of the cave you have been living in)
4. When you need to let out some anxiety or aggression, grab your purse and hit the nearest mall or SuperTarget. People frown on retail therapy but they have obviously never known the rush of buying chapstick and a new pair of shoes and how it can feel as good and comforting as an electric blanket on a freezing cold day … so I tell those people to GET OVER IT!
5. Go to your nearest hardware store. Purchase 2 pairs of Work Goggles. Keep one pair and send the other pair to your best friend. If things are gonna get messy in your life, all you need is a good pair of protective goggles and your best friend to push ahead.
6. Journal. (or in my case do a blog) There are few things better than “word barfing” your feelings all over a piece of paper. It gets your feelings out of your mind and for a few minutes…you might feel better! ……just ask Taylor Swift.
7. Listen to the radio, search for songs that pertain to your life. Imagine what your life would look like as that music video. Then snap out of it…when was the last time you even saw a music video. Lame. News Flash: 1985 called and wants their music video back.
8. Dig deep into the wide wide world of inspirational quotes. No matter who said it, and how many hundreds of years ago they said it, make yourself believe they were going through the EXACT thing you are, and feel at ease that you are not the only one. Maya Angelo, Mother Teresa, Corrie Tin Boom, and Elanore Rosavelt obviously had “dramz” like you and had to tell people to talk to their hands on a daily basis. I mean, Clearly!?
9. Play the “AT LEAST” game. This is one of my favorites. Compare yourself to others in worse situations and think… “At least I am not…….(insert whatever worse scenario you can think of here) “It could be worse, I could be ugly.”
10. Laugh. Laughing is the best medicine. Stop taking yourself so seriously. This one is the most important. Might I suggest Tina Fey’s book BossyPants… it’s a good start!
I am not a doctor or a professional at anything…
so if these don’t work I recommend trying a crazy 8 ball. When in doubt, ask a magic ball.
When “all signs point to NO” ….try it again. Do it over and over until you get the answer you want.
After all…who is really in charge of our happiness?
I think it’s us!?
***Note this was all “tongue and cheek” and totally meant to be funny-these thoughts do not endorse my REAL thoughts on coping. However I do highly recommend laughing…. That one is clutch.