All My Other Stuff

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The One With The Urine Sample

So, funny story-that wasn’t so funny at the time. 

Years ago, when Jared (who is now 8) was around 15 months old, he started showing some signs of a possible Urinary Tract Infection. So.. I took him to the doctor.

At the doctor's office, the nurse asked for a urine sample.
I laughed to myself, “Do they even know our son?” 
 “Have they ever met this WILD CRAZY child?”  “Do they really think that my Jared is going to pee in a cup?”

YEAH RIGHT, I thought. 
I began to sweat as I gathered my toddler and preschooler up, along with our coats, diaper bag and sippy cup, and headed for the restroom-all the while thinking:


I took his diaper off and I kid you not, 10 seconds later he was peeing!  I grabbed the cup and he filled it full!!

I felt like I had the prize winning pig at the county fair!

I was so proud! I put the cup on the back of the toilet and began to put his diaper on him and just as I was dreaming about how advanced and brilliant my child must obviously be, I heard the sound of the toilet flushing.
I looked up and  there was his 3 year old sister dumping his cup in the toilet..............
I think a part of me died.

I screamed!!!
 "Cassity!! Why on earth did you do that!?!?"

She replied, as if to scold me: "Pee is for the potty, Mommy!"
I walked out to the nurses station in a full on sweat, my head tucked between my tail like a shamed puppy.

After I explained what had happened...
They laughed. Everyone  I have told so far has laughed.....
I can only laugh now.  (7 years later)

If you believe parenting is always picture perfect, I feel it is my life calling to loosen you up! Laugh at yourself! It's funny!

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