I can remember when I was preparing to move away to college, wishing that I had some cool middle name that I could start going by instead of Leslie. I pictured starting a fresh new life where nobody knew me and thinking about how awesome it would be to just start all over from scratch with some exotic name like "Alexandra." Who would know?! ONLY ME!
As luck should have it, my middle name is Rae and I didn't see that as a suitable name for my new alias.... so I stuck with good ol' Leslie.
There is something so exciting about starting over! When we start over we get a chance to do new things we never thought we could! Starting over also gives us a chance to do some of the things we have always done, only better! Starting over provides prospective and possibilities!
When I think about new leadership opportunities, it reminds me of a blank canvas.
I am no artist, but I imagine that when an artist is looking at a blank canvas they are able to see the picture they want to paint in their head. They see the colors they want to use, the different styles of brushes, and techniques to create the contrasts that will make that picture take life!
THIS! is the same as leadership!
Leaders see the "picture" already in their heads/hearts. Its learning what the right steps are that makes the process challenging!
As a leader, it has always been my experience that the first step is "painting a clear picture" to your team.
You have the vision and only you can cast it! Nobody can do it for you and unless Sylvia Brown is on your team, NOBODY CAN READ YOUR MIND!
I have never seen any team leader come in and start barking orders and be able to retain any followers for longer than a year.
John Maxwell says it like this: "People don't quit organizations, they quit people."
When your team doesn't know "the why" behind "the what," then they are not bought in! What is a deep burning passion in your heart, is not in theirs! Why? Because they don't know WHY they are doing WHAT they are doing!!!
When your team can see the colors, taste the tastes, smell the smells, feel the texture of your picture, they feel ownership in it and want to see it work!
People do not feel significant until you give them something significant to do.
How are you encouraging your team? Do they know your heart as their leader? Do they know the WHY behind what they are doing? Do they even know what they are supposed to be doing?
It's dangerous to assume.
It is one thing to manage a team, which is important, but it is another thing to lead them!
Managers keep things running the same, leaders influence growth!