All My Other Stuff

Monday, September 5, 2016

Begin Again

I have been reading a TON of books lately. My head feels like it might explode in the best way possible!  One book that I am finishing up now is by Lysa Terkeurst called "Uninvited." 

I think that there is a fear in every single one of us that is rooted in rejection.  We all want to be accepted, part of the group, good enough to be at the table, and affirmed in some way-that who we are is enough!

I know that I am terrified of not being liked.  I want everyone to like me and I am scared to death of letting someone down.  Some would say that is a "people pleaser."  I would agree.

Being a people pleaser has only ever set me up for failure.  The truth is-it's impossible!

In part of the Uninvited book, Lysa asks the question "What is it like to do life with me?"  What she is asking us is.. What is it like to be YOUR friend?

Are you a good listener?
Do you have selfish motives?
Do you take time out of your schedule to connect?
Are you distracted by your phone...or work...or ________________?
Do you jump to conclusions?
Do you encourage more than your are sarcastic?
Are you fake?
Are you willing to admit when you are wrong?
Do you only talk about yourself? 
How invested are you in your friendships?

I know of a leader of a large organization that asks all of his new hires to interview 2 people that do not like them.  He wants all of his employees to understand what they need to improve on to grow in their relationships and self awareness.
Can you imagine?  Talk about humbling!  I can not imagine what it would be like to sit down and have a conversation with someone who did not like me and to listen to their answers carefully and not fight back.

Maybe we should all do that?

Lysa writes: The less we feel we need to address pride in our lives, the more it has already blinded us.


Do you recognize your own pride issues? How aware are you to the part your play in your day to day relationships?

Are you the victim? Are you always right and everyone else is always wrong?  Do you ever consider the other person's perspective?

Maybe it is time for me and you to own our own stuff and stop blaming everyone else!  

So ask yourself: What is it like to do life with me?
When we can get comfortable with WHO we are, we won't fear rejection as much because we will be able to see ourselves and others for who we REALLY are!

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