All My Other Stuff

Friday, September 5, 2014

UNofficial Book Club: INTERRUPTED

PHASE 2:  The Horror of Actually Changing

How do you want to be known?

As I have grown up, I have wanted to be known for so many different things, these are just a few that have evolved in my heart over the last 20 years:

A cheerleader..

College Student...
Jesus Follower..

We all want to be best known for something we have done or can do!  In this chapter, Jen writes about how putting the action into what God is calling you to do, often means losing our ego in service to someone or a whole host of people.

On page 204 she writes:

I don't want to be known for a great brand.

I don't want to be admired for a great campus.

I don't want to be recognized for a great marketing campaign.
I don't want to be praised for great programming.
I don't want to be applauded for great theology and scholarship.

I want the church to be great because we fed hungry mommas and their babies. I'd like to be great becayse we battled poverty with not just our money but our hands and hearts. I desire the greatness that cones from seeking only mercy but justice for those caught in a system with trapdoors. I hope to be part of a freat movement of the Holy Spirit, who injects supernatural wind and fire into His mission.

My version of great will come with others scratching their heads and saying:  "Wow, you live a really different life."

For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.
Luke 9:48

I think that we all talk a pretty fantastic game, we all want to lose ourselves in service to others!  I truly believe that it is in all of us, to want to help one another.

It's not always easy to serve others, when it might mean that we, oursleves have to sacrifice something to do so.

 Maybe it's money?  Maybe it's our title?  Maybe it is recognition?

Those are my three.

I don't like the idea that I would work my tail off on something and not get anything in return.

I am not proud of that-and I almost deleted that entire sentence.

....but its true.

I am claiming it.

God calls us to serve-  not to serve and be praised!

My ego needs to take a big fat hike.

How About YOU?
What is it for you?  What keeps you from a life of serving and not being served?

Currently listening to:  LOST GET FOUND

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Jen really spoke to the heart of the matter didn't she!? Letting go, serving and loving without inhibition has been something I'm trying to grow in. The times when I don't are when fear and unknown gets the best of me.
